Congratulations on receiving your mattress-in-a-box! However, if you're unsure of how to unpack it properly, it's important to take the time to do it correctly. After all, investing in a new mattress is a big decision, and you want to ensure that it is installed correctly to provide optimal comfort and support
Unboxing a mattress-in-a-box can seem like a daunting task, especially if you've never done it before. That's why we've created this comprehensive unboxing guide to help you navigate the process with ease. In this article, we'll take you through each step of the unboxing process, from opening the box to setting up your new mattress. Whether you're a first-time buyer or just looking for some helpful tips, this guide will help you get your new mattress-in-a-box up and running in no time.
What you’ll need before you unbox your mattress:
- A clean, suitable bed base to place your new mattress on.
- A friend, spouse, family member, or other to help you with the heavy lifting. A latex mattress is heavy and floppy.
- Something to cut open the plastic wrap around the mattress.
- A bin bag for the plastic wrap.
- Fresh bed sheets and a mattress protector ready to go.
Attention - Preventing compression damage
It is important to open your mattress-in-a-box promptly after receiving it to avoid compression damage. It is recommended to not leave it in the box for more than two weeks to prevent extended compression that can potentially harm your mattress.
Step 1: Choose a space for your mattress
Before unboxing your new mattress, carry it to the space where you would like to set it up. Make sure the area is clean and clear of any obstacles that could potentially damage the mattress or get in your way during the unboxing process. It's important to ensure that the space is big enough to fit the mattress and that you have enough room to move around it.

Step 2: Open the box
Once you have selected the space for your new mattress, place the box on the floor in that area. Using a pair of scissors or a box cutter, carefully cut the tape on the top of the box and remove the flaps, taking care not to damage the contents inside.
Step 3: Remove the mattress from the box
After removing the flaps, the compressed and rolled-up mattress should be visible. Gently lift the mattress out of the box, being careful not to rip or tear the cover during the process. Place the mattress on the floor in the desired location where you plan to set it up. It's important to keep the mattress level while unrolling it to prevent any damage to the foam or springs.
Step 4: Cut the plastic wrap
The mattress-in-a-box is tightly wrapped in plastic to keep it compressed during shipping. Use a pair of scissors to carefully cut the plastic wrap, taking extra care not to damage the mattress cover or latex foam. Some mattress manufacturers provide a small plastic tool to cut the plastic wrap and prevent any accidental damage from using scissors.
Step 5: Unroll the mattress
After removing the plastic wrap, carefully unroll the mattress on the floor in the correct orientation. To avoid any unnecessary flipping, unroll it to the firmness level you'd like to try first. It is recommended to start with the medium firmness side. As you unroll the mattress, it will begin to expand and take shape. Ensure that the mattress is level and positioned correctly to avoid any damage during the expansion process.
Step 6: Let the Mattress expand
Mattresses typically take a few hours to expand fully after being unboxed. Be patient and allow your mattress to expand (it can take up to 30 days for it to fully return to its full size), but you can sleep on it within two hours of opening it. In the meantime, you can give the 4 corners a good shake (taking special care to not hurt your back) to help with the decompression stage.
Step 7: Dispose of the packaging
Once the mattress is fully expanded, you can dispose of the packaging. The plastic wrap can be recycled, and the cardboard box can be flattened and recycled as well. Congratulations, you have successfully unboxed your natural latex mattress!

Step 8: Time to relax
Nothing beats the feeling of a new mattress, and with a
Peace Lily mattress, you won’t have to deal with strong chemical odours, also known as off-gassing. Our all-natural, pure latex, and organic cotton mattress-in-a-box comes non-toxic out of the box, so you can dive straight into a good night's sleep on the very first night.
Synthetic mattresses often have a
very strong odour, which is why we recommend natural and sustainable mattresses like those made with natural latex.
Please note that there may be a slight smell caused by the plastic, not the mattress. If this is the case with your mattress, you can crack a window or sprinkle one cup of dry baking soda over the mattress and leave it for 30 minutes. Then, vacuum on low to remove the baking soda and the smell.
Enjoy your new mattress, and great sleep awaits!